Paddy bird species is indeed familiar in the area of Java , Bali and Sumatra . This bird species is like a large area because of small stature and slender body .

Slender body shape and tail length when measured from head to tail , this bird may range from 7cm to brown hue on the back and white on the chest . On the forehead , chest to the tip of the base of the tail is white and the back to the tail is brown .

The sound of birds there is only one character may sound but the sound is generated as a whistle can be heard quite a chirping sound with the sound up and down . we can see this bird in the paddy field area although this bird likes in this field does not mean eating rice birds , this bird likes heat and place large because normally these birds chirping while flying in the clouds .

 For this bird food is rice and a type of caterpillar that there is a small insect in rice young branches .. because the bird is classified as insectivorous birds . The bird's nest is usually followed aged rice , caused these birds often make their nests out of branches and leaves of young rice .
This bird nest shape like the folds of the branches gather rice and so one round in it and fill in the branches smooth , for a bird 's nest site typically pick at the middle of the row of young paddy plants .
This bird reproduction in any ordinary lay 3-4 eggs , depending on the rate of reproduction of birds .