little about birds . This is a bird that is similar to pigeons but these birds have a shy character of the pigeon . This bird is the size of 20 - 32cm depending on its type , because there are so many types of birds that are similar to this . belong to the group Family Columbidae widespread in mainland Southeast Asia .

This bird color of the back is brown and light brown color chest . in the neck of this bird as there are colored bracelet black spots circular half neck . to distinguish between females and males is easy enough , with the view that if the circumference of the neck neckline manly color jet black spots , while for females the neck circumference color black spots somewhat faded .

For these birds usually eat food grains such as green beans , corn , millet seeds , etc. This bird is usually always in groups in search of food , a place to find food of this bird is usually always looking for the crash site of grain that fell from the fruit . advantages of this bird can reach tens of years old , in each period This bird nests using twigs usually pretty rough because of the posture in the nest is made ​​large enough , laying up to 3-4 eggs per reproductive season voice in the singing of birds is very typical of so many people who want to preserve these birds , in addition to distinctive voice for bird feed is not too hard for in the search . more males have an advantage in the search for a voice that is more typical of females with neck swell when issuing voice .