Kualitas air yang selalu terjaga baik menjadi tuntutan dalam budidaya ikan ini. PH air untuk budidaya arwana sebenarnya sangat lebar tapi lebih disarankan untuk memudahkan pemeliharaannya PH airnya disesuaikan dengan kondisi air pada kondisi sebenarnya di alam yaitu PH 6,8 – 7,5 dan suhu 27 – 29 C. Sedangkan penggantian air untuk menjaga kualitas air, dilakukan sebanyak 30 – 34 % dari total volume dengan air deklorinisasi. Penggantian air perlu dilakukan apalagi jika kondisi setelah hujan karena air hujan dapat mengakibatkan perubahan mendadak pada kualitas air. Pemberian pakan pada arwana sebaiknya diberikan pakan bervariasi yang mengandung protein sangat tinggi. Pakan untuk induk arwana dapat diberikan berupa ikan/udang rucah ditambah dengan pellet dengan kadar protein 32 %. Pemberian pakan ini dilakukan setiap hari dengan ketentuan 2% dari berat total tubuhnya. Kematangan gonad akan terjadi pada saat umur ikan arwana berumur 4 tahun dan sudah mencapai panjang 45 – 60 cm. Pemijahan akan terjadi sepanjang tahun. Puncak pemijahan akan terjadi antara bulan Juli dan bulan Desember. Ketika telah terjadi pemijahan maka induk jantan akan menjaga telur tersebut di dalam mulutnya selama 2 bulan. Untuk melepaskan telur yang ada dalam mulut induk jantan arwana, tarik secara perlahan dan hati-hati bagian bawah mulut arwana kemudian tekan ringan bagian tubuhnya. Larva dikumpulkan untuk kemudian diinkubasi. Masa inkubasi dengan cara ini lebih pendek dibandingkan dengan masa inkubasi normal yang dapat mencapai 8 minggu. Inkubasi dilakukan di dalam akuarium berukuran 45x45x90 cm dengan temperatur air 27 – 29 derajat celcius dan kadar oksigen terlarut 5 ppm. Untuk mencegah adanya infeksi pada saat penanganan larva dapat digunakan larutan Acriflavine 2 ppm. Selama periode inkubasi ini larva tidak perlu diberi pakan. Pakan larva sendiri didapat dari kuning telur yang akan habis pada minggu ke delapan. Setelah itu, larva harus diberi pakan hidup pertama untuk mencegah larva saling makan. Pada saat ini larva sudah dapat berenang bebas. Pakan hidup yang diberikan bisa berupa cacing darah atau anakan ikan yang ukurannya sesuai dengan ukuran mulut ikan arwana tersebut. Ketika larva telah mencapai ukuran 10 – 12 cm diberikan pakan berupa udang air tawar kecil untuk mengimbangi kecepatan tumbuhnya.
Sabtu, 23 November 2013
Teknik budidaya ikan arwana sendiri sebenarnya tidaklah sulit hanya saja memang dibutuhkan ketelitian dan ketekunan yang tinggi karena ikan arwana harus selalu dijaga kondisi air, oksigen dan pakannya. Ikan ini dapat dikembangbiakkan di wadah budidaya seperti akuarium atau kolam.
Kualitas air yang selalu terjaga baik menjadi tuntutan dalam budidaya ikan ini. PH air untuk budidaya arwana sebenarnya sangat lebar tapi lebih disarankan untuk memudahkan pemeliharaannya PH airnya disesuaikan dengan kondisi air pada kondisi sebenarnya di alam yaitu PH 6,8 – 7,5 dan suhu 27 – 29 C. Sedangkan penggantian air untuk menjaga kualitas air, dilakukan sebanyak 30 – 34 % dari total volume dengan air deklorinisasi. Penggantian air perlu dilakukan apalagi jika kondisi setelah hujan karena air hujan dapat mengakibatkan perubahan mendadak pada kualitas air. Pemberian pakan pada arwana sebaiknya diberikan pakan bervariasi yang mengandung protein sangat tinggi. Pakan untuk induk arwana dapat diberikan berupa ikan/udang rucah ditambah dengan pellet dengan kadar protein 32 %. Pemberian pakan ini dilakukan setiap hari dengan ketentuan 2% dari berat total tubuhnya. Kematangan gonad akan terjadi pada saat umur ikan arwana berumur 4 tahun dan sudah mencapai panjang 45 – 60 cm. Pemijahan akan terjadi sepanjang tahun. Puncak pemijahan akan terjadi antara bulan Juli dan bulan Desember. Ketika telah terjadi pemijahan maka induk jantan akan menjaga telur tersebut di dalam mulutnya selama 2 bulan. Untuk melepaskan telur yang ada dalam mulut induk jantan arwana, tarik secara perlahan dan hati-hati bagian bawah mulut arwana kemudian tekan ringan bagian tubuhnya. Larva dikumpulkan untuk kemudian diinkubasi. Masa inkubasi dengan cara ini lebih pendek dibandingkan dengan masa inkubasi normal yang dapat mencapai 8 minggu. Inkubasi dilakukan di dalam akuarium berukuran 45x45x90 cm dengan temperatur air 27 – 29 derajat celcius dan kadar oksigen terlarut 5 ppm. Untuk mencegah adanya infeksi pada saat penanganan larva dapat digunakan larutan Acriflavine 2 ppm. Selama periode inkubasi ini larva tidak perlu diberi pakan. Pakan larva sendiri didapat dari kuning telur yang akan habis pada minggu ke delapan. Setelah itu, larva harus diberi pakan hidup pertama untuk mencegah larva saling makan. Pada saat ini larva sudah dapat berenang bebas. Pakan hidup yang diberikan bisa berupa cacing darah atau anakan ikan yang ukurannya sesuai dengan ukuran mulut ikan arwana tersebut. Ketika larva telah mencapai ukuran 10 – 12 cm diberikan pakan berupa udang air tawar kecil untuk mengimbangi kecepatan tumbuhnya.
Kualitas air yang selalu terjaga baik menjadi tuntutan dalam budidaya ikan ini. PH air untuk budidaya arwana sebenarnya sangat lebar tapi lebih disarankan untuk memudahkan pemeliharaannya PH airnya disesuaikan dengan kondisi air pada kondisi sebenarnya di alam yaitu PH 6,8 – 7,5 dan suhu 27 – 29 C. Sedangkan penggantian air untuk menjaga kualitas air, dilakukan sebanyak 30 – 34 % dari total volume dengan air deklorinisasi. Penggantian air perlu dilakukan apalagi jika kondisi setelah hujan karena air hujan dapat mengakibatkan perubahan mendadak pada kualitas air. Pemberian pakan pada arwana sebaiknya diberikan pakan bervariasi yang mengandung protein sangat tinggi. Pakan untuk induk arwana dapat diberikan berupa ikan/udang rucah ditambah dengan pellet dengan kadar protein 32 %. Pemberian pakan ini dilakukan setiap hari dengan ketentuan 2% dari berat total tubuhnya. Kematangan gonad akan terjadi pada saat umur ikan arwana berumur 4 tahun dan sudah mencapai panjang 45 – 60 cm. Pemijahan akan terjadi sepanjang tahun. Puncak pemijahan akan terjadi antara bulan Juli dan bulan Desember. Ketika telah terjadi pemijahan maka induk jantan akan menjaga telur tersebut di dalam mulutnya selama 2 bulan. Untuk melepaskan telur yang ada dalam mulut induk jantan arwana, tarik secara perlahan dan hati-hati bagian bawah mulut arwana kemudian tekan ringan bagian tubuhnya. Larva dikumpulkan untuk kemudian diinkubasi. Masa inkubasi dengan cara ini lebih pendek dibandingkan dengan masa inkubasi normal yang dapat mencapai 8 minggu. Inkubasi dilakukan di dalam akuarium berukuran 45x45x90 cm dengan temperatur air 27 – 29 derajat celcius dan kadar oksigen terlarut 5 ppm. Untuk mencegah adanya infeksi pada saat penanganan larva dapat digunakan larutan Acriflavine 2 ppm. Selama periode inkubasi ini larva tidak perlu diberi pakan. Pakan larva sendiri didapat dari kuning telur yang akan habis pada minggu ke delapan. Setelah itu, larva harus diberi pakan hidup pertama untuk mencegah larva saling makan. Pada saat ini larva sudah dapat berenang bebas. Pakan hidup yang diberikan bisa berupa cacing darah atau anakan ikan yang ukurannya sesuai dengan ukuran mulut ikan arwana tersebut. Ketika larva telah mencapai ukuran 10 – 12 cm diberikan pakan berupa udang air tawar kecil untuk mengimbangi kecepatan tumbuhnya.
Posted on 09.00 by Unknown
Jumat, 01 November 2013
PERSIAN CAT. has been around for hundreds of years . The origins of Persian Cats , as the name suggests , are derived from Persian ( the Persian empire used to cover areas of Iran and Afghanistan ) . In the 18th century , many European sailors brought Persian cat into mainland Europe , such as to France , Italy , UK and Others .
Persian cats are very favored among the nobility of Europe , including the Vectoria , Queen of England . In Europe, a mobile exhibition Persian cat . Although today has been bred Persian cat with a variety of colors , but the Persian cat is still ranked the highest , and has many fans .
It is clear that the Persian cat has a very strong appeal .
Persian cat originated from a cross between a black furry cat with fluffy white cat and length , and through a lot of crosses , cat breeders to improve its appearance , by eliminating color white lines . After crossing the Blue Persian cat with fluffy white Persian cat with bones , can get an attractive blue and white Persian cat bones . Because Persian cat body shape according to exhibition standard , many breeders are using it to fix another feather color of Persian cat .
Persian cat cat face desirable and have the muzzle should be rounded pug , cute dog breeds such as Pekingese , but with more sweet facial expression . Whole body covered with long blue hair , which shows the glory .
Persian cat is a cat who is very pretty and beautiful with a great body shape , solid , large and round head , covered with a thick layer of fur . Even a layman would immediately recognize Persian cat .
Posted on 11.46 by Unknown
Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013
This ornamental fish fighter fish included in the category No reason / motive that triggered the fight , maybe just to show pride in the strength and beauty , they are destroying the beauty of the form and one of his opponents until they feel defeated . Because of the shape and beautiful colors and nature , this fish much interest to be maintained and developed .
- The way of breeding betta fish is easy , namely :
- 1 . Available right container that is wide enough , which means you can freely capture the female parent without damaging the nest after laying eggs . Height of about 15-25 cm of water . Put in a cool place .
- 2 . Choose sires (males and females ) are good and healthy . For males can be seen from its shiny color scales , her movements and her fin thick aggressive . For mature female sex ( one character is there a shadow around her stomach in the form of egg white spots )
- 3 . It betta males entered first into the container , note the outskirts of the container, whether a male is already starting to make foam ?
- 4 . Sign In females it if the stud is made of foam at the edge of the container .
- 5 . Close the container and wait for 2 to 3 days , then check the condition of the nest . If there are white granules stuck in the foam , immediately separate / remove the female parent of the container .
- 6 . Give enough food for stud ( 2 sticks sujung wiggler worms or smooth ) . Allows the eggs are not eaten by stud hunger .
- 7 . Seeds will hatch after 2-3 days . After the age of 3-4 days where the yolk is gone , the seeds can betta fish biscuits you eat refined taste , as it will facilitate the biscuit eaten when soft , fresh egg yolk or gift . Do not give too many egg yolks because it can make the water murky , smelly , and greasy .
- 8 . Give water fleas after the age of 1-2 weeks , then allowed to accelerate growth in the love of subtle worm .
Posted on 12.20 by Unknown
Goldfish pearl is a type of carp that have a rounded body with a small head and tail width . This fish comes from mainland China , but in Indonesia have long be cultivated . Fish marketing in the country , besides also the kinds of fish that is exported and the price is quite high .
- Spawning
- Selection of the parent
- A good parent for spawning + 8 months old , with a minimum size of duck eggs .
- Choose a small -headed parent with a round body , scales intact and arranged neatly . If the fish are moving , tail and fins will appear upright .
- To get the colored breeds , the prospective parent to be cultivated plain colored . Use the male parent and a female white black or green moss or otherwise .
- On the pectoral fins are round spots stand out and feel rough when touched .
- On the pectoral fins are spots and feels smooth to the touch. Parent who has matured if massaged gently toward the hole will genital discharge is white If ordered , the yellow liquid clear .
- At the mature stem , stomach feels soft and reddish genital orifice .
- Tub / tank that has been filled with clean water that has been precipitated + 24 hours , then put the water hyacinth to attach their eggs .
- Choose the parent who has matured eggs , enter into a tub in the afternoon .
- When the selection is done carefully parent , usually the next day eggs are attached to the roots of water hyacinth . Because eggs do not need to be incubated , the parent can be immediately transferred to the holding ponds , to wait until the next spawning .
- If the treatment is good , then 3 ~ 4 weeks then the parent has to be cultivated again
Posted on 02.43 by Unknown
Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013
HONEY BIRD . bird that has a length of 10 - 12cm is a type of nectar bird parasite , Noni , Papaya , Dadap , small insects , spiders in the lab and have a yard habitat , coastal scrub , mangrove forest . also in Latin in the nectarinia jugular is called Nectarinia of bird species of the family Nectariniidae .
srigantil honey bird is nicknamed in the area of Java , has a pointy beak and long , warm-blooded , and live in the tropics
to distinguish between males and females can be viewed in terms of colors and shapes
Males : body bottom bright yellow . Chin and chest black and metallic purple . Olive green backs .
Females : The lower body yellow . Without the black color on the chin and chest . Eyebrows are usually light yellow . Iris dark brown , black beak , black legs . Often noisy in small groups , moving from one tree or bush to another . Males sometimes chasing back and forth with fierce .
Bag -shaped nests , of cotton grass interwoven with reeds , on the high branches and the tree is not too shady leaves whitish eggs , speckled gray-white , number 2 point . Breed throughout the year .
to distinguish between males and females can be viewed in terms of colors and shapes
Males : body bottom bright yellow . Chin and chest black and metallic purple . Olive green backs .
Females : The lower body yellow . Without the black color on the chin and chest . Eyebrows are usually light yellow . Iris dark brown , black beak , black legs . Often noisy in small groups , moving from one tree or bush to another . Males sometimes chasing back and forth with fierce .
Bag -shaped nests , of cotton grass interwoven with reeds , on the high branches and the tree is not too shady leaves whitish eggs , speckled gray-white , number 2 point . Breed throughout the year .
Posted on 01.20 by Unknown
Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013
punglor bird known as anise or brick. This bird is similar to a type of bird honey bird but posture and color are probably what distinguishes this bird. of the length of this bird is approximately 14cm from head to tail with a dark orange color of the head to the chest, while for the backs and wings garnished with black color is blue, until the top of the tail, while for white ass cover. This bird lives in the tropical jungle forest rainfall is usually high due to the habits of this bird is like the cold and water, can also be found around the edges of the swamp because of his hobby of showers at night.
for this bird food they eat fruits and insects, small caterpillars that exist in the leaves also ant eggs (Kroto) These birds usually lay their eggs in the rainy season the region depending on the weather, unusual for this bird egg beans laying 2-3 eggs. they make nests with twigs and similar delicate grasses, usually nesting in a leafy shade. The varied sounds of birds and birds that make it in the interest of many bird lovers in particular I also like the way this time and the movement of birds already singing like a drunk and shake their heads down like birds stoned drunk. This bird also mention the bird because the bird fetish bother easy for an inpatient due to the beautiful sound and motion while singing makes everyone curious and want to have it. at the origin of this bird habitat is not found as much in temperature and weather factors that make this bird would often safer to place immigration. The birds are scattered in the tropical parts of Asia in particular landmark....
Posted on 14.28 by Unknown
Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013
canaries . is derived from the bird canary island in mainland Europe . The bird formerly dwelt in the island in large numbers , first come across this bird is a sailor who accidentally saw the beauty of the sound of this bird .
found by Jean De Berthan cout that impressed at the beauty and melodious sounds of birds singing in this . there are several types of such norwich , Scoth fancy , bolder fancy , fancy london , yorkshire , lanchaisire , gloser , etc. . because the crosses are in the process of doing a few centuries ago .
This bird has a length of about 9cm from head to tail . have a strong beak because birds eat grains such as millet and wheat . basically this bird also has a weakness that can not endure the attack of mosquitoes in causing these birds prone to bacteria as belonging to the bird net , so that in the wild these birds invariably housed and slept in trees fairly high and leafy . this bird now familiar among bird lovers because of a very melodious voice that makes the hearts of bird lovers getting stunned . now many are crossing this bird so the bird population is increasing and many make the bird with beautiful colors
Posted on 07.13 by Unknown
Senin, 21 Oktober 2013
doves and pigeons are birds that have a lot of character and color among others . This bird types of birds that have sufficient mental because it can adapt to the environment and of course the humans around
In many species of birds indeed say this can be included in the class and the Columbidae Columba Livia domestica , which may be spread in every country of the bird 's body shape has a length of about 30cm from head to tail , which has a thin beak and neck depending on the type of parent birds there are long and short .
This flocking bird indeed we often see in urban areas in particular, because these birds including birds protected by the state . This bird foods such as grains such as rice , corn , green beans , etc. , depending on the place and the area is a bird Doves and pigeons build a cage of twigs and other detritus , which are placed in trees , ledges , or ground , depending on the species .
They incubate one or two eggs , and both parents are very caring child. doves and pigeons produce crop milk Both sexes produce this highly nutritious substance to feed their children at the time still in the age of 1-10 days . after the age of 10 days or more usually been given a subtle grain in order to process the body and feather growth increases . for breeding birds is usually 2 times a year .
This flocking bird indeed we often see in urban areas in particular, because these birds including birds protected by the state . This bird foods such as grains such as rice , corn , green beans , etc. , depending on the place and the area is a bird Doves and pigeons build a cage of twigs and other detritus , which are placed in trees , ledges , or ground , depending on the species .
They incubate one or two eggs , and both parents are very caring child. doves and pigeons produce crop milk Both sexes produce this highly nutritious substance to feed their children at the time still in the age of 1-10 days . after the age of 10 days or more usually been given a subtle grain in order to process the body and feather growth increases . for breeding birds is usually 2 times a year .
Posted on 06.37 by Unknown
Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013
PIPIT. ya begitulah setiap orang menandai nama burung ini, burung yang selalu bergerombol di saat mencari makanan ini sering kita jumpai di sawah-sawah maupun pekarangan kita dengan jumlah yang cukup banyak.untuk jenis-jenis burung ini sangatlah beragam tergantung daerah dan kawasan masing-masing kota maupun negara.
untuk posture tubuh burung ini memang terlihat kecil tapi mempunyai balance yang cukup seimbang saat terbang, ada beberapa jenis burung yang mungkin tidak asing lagi untuk di lihat
untuk jenis pipit (peking) bisa di bagi menjadi 3 yang terpopuler di kalangan masayarakat;
contoh ; pipit kepala hitam berdada putih ;
Burung ini tidak asing lagi karena karakter burung yang lincah,gesit dalam mencari biji-bijan terutama padi. mereka selalu jadi musuh para petani saat di sawah karena sering memakan padi-padi yang sudah berumur tua,sehingga para petani selalu memasang jaring untuk menangkapanya.
burung ini sering kita jumpai di pasar-pasar burung dengan di hiasi warna-warna yang membuat anak-anak kecil tertarik untuk memeliharanya.
burung ini pun cukup mudah di pelihara karena makanan burung ini cukup mudah seperti beras,milet dan gabah (biji padi)
berikutnya adalah pipit berkepala putih (peking kaji)
dengan postur tubuh yang hampir sama
perbedaanya mungkin berada di kepala karena warna kepala yag putih yang membedakan antara pipit biasa dengan pipit kepala putih (peking kaji) sedangkan pipit biasa warna putihnya berada di dada.
yang terakhir untuk pipit brontok juga sejenis dengan yang diatas termasuk burung merbah yang selalu berkelompok.
di banding dengan yag di atas pipit berontok mungkin lebih mempuyai variation bentuk warna dan corak karena di dada terlihat bentuk seperti ukiran batik dan punggung berwarna coklat kemerahan yang membuat burung ini berbeda dengan pipit jawa dan pipit kaji
mereka termasuk dalam golongan estrildidae.
untuk posture tubuh burung ini memang terlihat kecil tapi mempunyai balance yang cukup seimbang saat terbang, ada beberapa jenis burung yang mungkin tidak asing lagi untuk di lihat
untuk jenis pipit (peking) bisa di bagi menjadi 3 yang terpopuler di kalangan masayarakat;
contoh ; pipit kepala hitam berdada putih ;
Burung ini tidak asing lagi karena karakter burung yang lincah,gesit dalam mencari biji-bijan terutama padi. mereka selalu jadi musuh para petani saat di sawah karena sering memakan padi-padi yang sudah berumur tua,sehingga para petani selalu memasang jaring untuk menangkapanya.
burung ini sering kita jumpai di pasar-pasar burung dengan di hiasi warna-warna yang membuat anak-anak kecil tertarik untuk memeliharanya.
burung ini pun cukup mudah di pelihara karena makanan burung ini cukup mudah seperti beras,milet dan gabah (biji padi)
berikutnya adalah pipit berkepala putih (peking kaji)
dengan postur tubuh yang hampir sama
perbedaanya mungkin berada di kepala karena warna kepala yag putih yang membedakan antara pipit biasa dengan pipit kepala putih (peking kaji) sedangkan pipit biasa warna putihnya berada di dada.
yang terakhir untuk pipit brontok juga sejenis dengan yang diatas termasuk burung merbah yang selalu berkelompok.
di banding dengan yag di atas pipit berontok mungkin lebih mempuyai variation bentuk warna dan corak karena di dada terlihat bentuk seperti ukiran batik dan punggung berwarna coklat kemerahan yang membuat burung ini berbeda dengan pipit jawa dan pipit kaji
mereka termasuk dalam golongan estrildidae.
Posted on 11.08 by Unknown
( sparrow ) is a small species of sparrows who come from families Passeridae . These birds inhabit the cities in the number of very large
is a fairly tame bird of all wild birds , with a small body shape between 5cm bird is always clustered at the time looking for food .
generally grayish brown sparrow , fat body posture , short-tailed and have a strong beak .
This bird food is seeds and small insects in the find at the ground and in the branches of leaves The nests are usually made of delicate twigs mixed with all that can be made nest like rope , plastic grass into small and old . The birds usually make their nests varied sometimes in shady trees or in holes in buildings that guarantees to make the nest . sparrow initially originated from Europe , Africa and Asia and then spread to birds in America and Australia by a migrating population .
This bird usually breeds by utilizing trees and holes in large buildings , quite a lot of eggs that produced this bird is 4-6 eggs each breeding to the sound of birds is indeed less variable but this bird can be made in the master on the types of birds that sing beautifully .
This bird food is seeds and small insects in the find at the ground and in the branches of leaves The nests are usually made of delicate twigs mixed with all that can be made nest like rope , plastic grass into small and old . The birds usually make their nests varied sometimes in shady trees or in holes in buildings that guarantees to make the nest . sparrow initially originated from Europe , Africa and Asia and then spread to birds in America and Australia by a migrating population .
This bird usually breeds by utilizing trees and holes in large buildings , quite a lot of eggs that produced this bird is 4-6 eggs each breeding to the sound of birds is indeed less variable but this bird can be made in the master on the types of birds that sing beautifully .
Posted on 10.15 by Unknown

This bird food used to eat crickets , grasshoppers , caterpillars and fruit trees were just as soft banana , mango and papaya This bird is known as the Greater Green Leafbird . because close relatives of birds cipoh ( Aegithina spp . ) .
The chirping of birds can mimic other birds with similar tones , for the size of this bird being tolerable range 7-8 cm from head to tail with oval posture and legs look like short , to color all black beak and feet This bird spends time in the dense bush branches for foraging fruit , insects etc. . color in this have made this bird of prey is usually made to be misled by clever manipulation in place .
This bird terdpat in many tropical asia elapsed areas as belonging to the animal 's tropical bird likes to bathe in the sun and in the morning with water dew that settles on the leaves . many people who inginmemiliki green bird is in addition to a very varied bird sound is also able to output a loud sound with the distinctive sound of the bird itself .
Posted on 09.24 by Unknown
little about birds . This is a bird that is similar to pigeons but these birds have a shy character of the pigeon . This bird is the size of 20 - 32cm depending on its type , because there are so many types of birds that are similar to this . belong to the group Family Columbidae widespread in mainland Southeast Asia .
This bird color of the back is brown and light brown color chest . in the neck of this bird as there are colored bracelet black spots circular half neck . to distinguish between females and males is easy enough , with the view that if the circumference of the neck neckline manly color jet black spots , while for females the neck circumference color black spots somewhat faded .
For these birds usually eat food grains such as green beans , corn , millet seeds , etc. This bird is usually always in groups in search of food , a place to find food of this bird is usually always looking for the crash site of grain that fell from the fruit . advantages of this bird can reach tens of years old , in each period This bird nests using twigs usually pretty rough because of the posture in the nest is made large enough , laying up to 3-4 eggs per reproductive season voice in the singing of birds is very typical of so many people who want to preserve these birds , in addition to distinctive voice for bird feed is not too hard for in the search . more males have an advantage in the search for a voice that is more typical of females with neck swell when issuing voice .
This bird color of the back is brown and light brown color chest . in the neck of this bird as there are colored bracelet black spots circular half neck . to distinguish between females and males is easy enough , with the view that if the circumference of the neck neckline manly color jet black spots , while for females the neck circumference color black spots somewhat faded .
For these birds usually eat food grains such as green beans , corn , millet seeds , etc. This bird is usually always in groups in search of food , a place to find food of this bird is usually always looking for the crash site of grain that fell from the fruit . advantages of this bird can reach tens of years old , in each period This bird nests using twigs usually pretty rough because of the posture in the nest is made large enough , laying up to 3-4 eggs per reproductive season voice in the singing of birds is very typical of so many people who want to preserve these birds , in addition to distinctive voice for bird feed is not too hard for in the search . more males have an advantage in the search for a voice that is more typical of females with neck swell when issuing voice .
Posted on 06.41 by Unknown
Paddy bird species is indeed familiar in the area of Java , Bali and Sumatra . This bird species is like a large area because of small stature and slender body .
Slender body shape and tail length when measured from head to tail , this bird may range from 7cm to brown hue on the back and white on the chest . On the forehead , chest to the tip of the base of the tail is white and the back to the tail is brown .
The sound of birds there is only one character may sound but the sound is generated as a whistle can be heard quite a chirping sound with the sound up and down . we can see this bird in the paddy field area although this bird likes in this field does not mean eating rice birds , this bird likes heat and place large because normally these birds chirping while flying in the clouds .
For this bird food is rice and a type of caterpillar that there is a small insect in rice young branches .. because the bird is classified as insectivorous birds . The bird's nest is usually followed aged rice , caused these birds often make their nests out of branches and leaves of young rice .
This bird nest shape like the folds of the branches gather rice and so one round in it and fill in the branches smooth , for a bird 's nest site typically pick at the middle of the row of young paddy plants .
This bird reproduction in any ordinary lay 3-4 eggs , depending on the rate of reproduction of birds .
Slender body shape and tail length when measured from head to tail , this bird may range from 7cm to brown hue on the back and white on the chest . On the forehead , chest to the tip of the base of the tail is white and the back to the tail is brown .
The sound of birds there is only one character may sound but the sound is generated as a whistle can be heard quite a chirping sound with the sound up and down . we can see this bird in the paddy field area although this bird likes in this field does not mean eating rice birds , this bird likes heat and place large because normally these birds chirping while flying in the clouds .
For this bird food is rice and a type of caterpillar that there is a small insect in rice young branches .. because the bird is classified as insectivorous birds . The bird's nest is usually followed aged rice , caused these birds often make their nests out of branches and leaves of young rice .
This bird nest shape like the folds of the branches gather rice and so one round in it and fill in the branches smooth , for a bird 's nest site typically pick at the middle of the row of young paddy plants .
This bird reproduction in any ordinary lay 3-4 eggs , depending on the rate of reproduction of birds .
Posted on 03.38 by Unknown
Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013
BIRD. the size of a small bird, which can be measured from the tip of the beak to the base of the tail approximately 5.5 cm. These birds usually live in the tropics. side of the body (back, tail) yellow, white and green-black tail. the side (wing) black and white spots on the forehead to the chest in yellow when young birds chest is green and yellow. Black white iris, black beak and feet.
This bird like enclosed places such as in the branches and twigs usually sneak in foliage color is almost similar as the color of the leaves is useful to outwit birds animals of prey such as snakes, mongoose and a gecko Bird food is usually a small caterpillars and leaf worms and ant eggs bird species tree is not like fruits and grains. This bird has a chirping sound variations, subtle and loud so that where at the time there was this unusual fellow bird species interlocked sound.
This bird belongs to a class fighter in birds during the breeding season as they fought over a female with the same type of voice where if his voice louder and can survive in the battle when the winning bird will get the females. at times when these birds moult feathers will fall out so as to make this bird did not move much freely may only rarely silent and sound For this bird's nest has a shape like a small cup with ash-gray color to, nests are usually made from delicate twigs and cobwebs that in knitting with twigs neatly hidden in the trees because birds including bird predators in the drill.
These birds only produce eggs until 2-3. each in June and December they only produce 2 times a year This bird can be encountered in the area of Sumatra, Java, and Bali...
Posted on 23.17 by Unknown
BIRD . medium sized bird , which can be measured from the tip of the beak to the base of the tail about 20cm . These birds usually live in the tropics and their habitat is still quite good . side of the body ( back , tail ) gray brown , the underside ( throat , neck , chest and abdomen ) grayish white . The top of the head , from the forehead , hat and crested , black . Upside-down ( in front of the tail ) seems clear white , and orange ass cover . Sliced red eyes , beak and feet black .
This bird likes open spaces such as gardens and yards , because these birds are always in search of food groups they need a place that provides enough food for the f Refine your usually eat fruit .. and insects . fruits in this bird feeder is a kind of soft fruit such as bananas , papaya , and mango . This bird does not have the variety of sounds such as birds chirp chirp others . character has only one voice , these birds usually raise the crest when looking at something dangerous .
Habits of these birds every morning usually sunbathing and bathing with water dew on the leaves , as moisture can create moisture on the feathers at times when these birds moult feathers will fall out so as to make this bird did not move much freely may only rarely silent and sound For this bird nest mungin like other birds of the cup -shaped leaves and woven grass plus the small branches and delicate . Bird eggs are usually about 2-4 eggs which produce black spots blackish orange This bird can be encountered in Southeast Asia the largest in Java and Bali Indonesia
Posted on 22.26 by Unknown
Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013
This bird looks plain and simple colors are less variable makes it not too beautiful birds , including birds alter the reference to birds chirping , furry grim and live in the bush, including the Lemur species of birds , Tepus , bentet etc. other . bird species fighter , but this bird can do to keep the area territorial defense . because it has a fairly high adaptability , it is easy to tame birds to humans . open spaces , shrubs , curbs , gardens , and secondary forests , the birds are often in groups , both when looking for food and perch , with its own kind or to alter the type of the other , or even with other bird species , sleep in groups with kind , in the branches of shrubs or small trees . Is a medium-sized bird , total body length ( measured from tip of beak to tip of tail ) approximately 20 cm , and the upper side of the body ( back , tail ) dark grayish brown , the underside ( throat , chest and abdomen ) dull white . Black crown , white eyebrows and around the eyes , with a bridle ( line in sight ) in black . Side of the hull with graffiti brown , and yellow rump cover , brown iris , black beak and feet gray pink . This bird food , especially fruits that are soft , in the yard , the bird is often perforate papaya and bananas are ripe , but that he also prey on various insects , worms and other small animals such as worms and birds often spend more time to looking for food on the ground than any other kind of alter the .
Posted on 10.59 by Unknown
bird . including the type of bird that is always on the search for her pet since the melodious chirping sound that people want to have this kind of bird . This bird is also known as the family of sepesiesnya Copychus malabaricus.yaitu there 's a lot of birds with names that may be similar but slightly different maybe now this bird is no more, tropical birds , including birds that live in tropical regions such as Southeast Asia is also rarely found in the region . because maybe it was not bird populations increased . This bird has a few advantages that the sound varies with the large volume and so melodious birds included in ornamental birds This bird can also be found in Malaysia , Thailand , and Indonesia , are in areas that have tropical forests and surrounding marshes . for this bird food they usually eat insects , worms and ant eggs tree because the birds do not like to eat fruit so this brurng including predatory birds . This posture makes beautiful bird is a long tail and has a matching color . but every color of this bird may be a little different depending on the side of the tail of the species there are berkor long and slightly curved and there are only a straight tail .
Posted on 10.08 by Unknown
Senin, 14 Oktober 2013
BIRD. asia little about birds that may have no more existence because nature and arrests began to make the habitat of this bird is not much else in the tropics. This bird predators including birds that have little comparative advantage in other chirping birds, which can mimic the sounds of other birds fluently. often encountered in the rice fields and tropical forests in parts of Southeast Asia, is a kind of bird food insects like grasshoppers, crickets and also often eat small birds like finches when bird not get insects. reproduction of this bird in its early stages usually start mating in the dry season, these birds including bird faithful to her partner. These birds usually lay 3-5 eggs This bird is very like the heat, when the birds are usually late morning sun to warm the body temperature simply because the bird was also called warm-blooded animals
This bird is quite beautiful colors in addition to having a long tail which is good because this bird looks black head like a helmet, which is not too long beak make this bird well with a round head and black. This bird has a chirping sound that is quite loud, but the sound of native birds is not too good because this bird, can mimic other birds that make this bird looks special because possess adequate ability to voice impersonator. consequently this bird of choice for pet and livestock that are not extinct, is fairly easy to maintain this bird because the bird food is not too difficult. may have been many people who keep these birds because of outside sound pretty good and easy to care for....
Posted on 10.54 by Unknown
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